Vampire Weekend Are Getting Close to Finishing a New Album

Drummer Chris Tomson has shared some exciting details about the upcoming album of Vampire Weekend, revealing that frontman Ezra Koenig’s raga singing lessons served as inspiration for the 10 tracks on the highly anticipated record. According to Tomson, Koenig took a raga singing lesson with Terry Riley in rural Japan.

Vampire Weekend’s New Album

Vampire Weekend Are Getting Close to Finishing a New Album
Vampire Weekend’s New Album

Koenig believes his lessons were an experience that resulted in what he considers to be seven of his all-time top 10 best songs. Tomson expressed his satisfaction and joy in collaborating with the band, reminiscent of their early days. The creative process brought them immense peace, and the overall vibe was strong. Tomson still confidently proclaimed that this upcoming album might be their best yet, featuring 10 exceptional songs without a single skip.

In addition to their new studio album, Vampire Weekend is treating fans to a series of live albums released exclusively on vinyl. The first installment, Frog on the Bass Drum Vol. 01 Live in Indianapolis, has already sold out, promising an exciting addition to the band’s discography. Ezra Koenig previously revealed that the band had been recording new music in both England and Los Angeles for this highly anticipated follow-up to their 2019 album, Father of the Bride. Koenig expressed excitement about the progress they had made since then but refrained from setting a specific release date.

The Band Is Releasing Live Albums

The Band Is Releasing Live Albums

Although Koenig admitted that the finishing touches and finalization of songs could be a never-ending process, he conveyed a sense of optimism and confidence in the new material. The band members are feeling good about the direction of the album, although they acknowledge that more studio time lies ahead after the holiday season.

This forthcoming Vampire Weekend album will be the first without multi-instrumentalist Rostam Batmanglij, who was unable to commit to the band’s creative endeavors. Nevertheless, the band remains focused and determined to deliver a remarkable musical experience to their dedicated fanbase. With the combination of Koenig’s exploration of Raga singing, the band’s renewed creative energy, and their dedication to crafting exceptional music, Vampire Weekend’s upcoming album is eagerly awaited by fans around the world.