The Hells Angels Motorcycle Club, the largest motorcycle club worldwide, has its roots in California. It began modestly, but over time it has grown impressively, covering five continents to form a global community for motorcycle enthusiasts. Despite starting small, it has stretched its wings across the world in a span of several decades, building a brotherhood for those with a shared passion for motorcycles.

This unique group sticks to a minimal number of regulations — they’re crucial for the club’s continuous existence. Instead of bothering much about the official legal system, they strictly adhere to their club’s law. It’s almost like a religion to them. The rules the Hells Angels are committed to following might leave you astounded.
Becoming a Prospect
If someone wishes to join this renowned motorcycle club, they must begin their journey on a shaky footing. This involves interacting with current members and demonstrating their unwavering dedication to the group.

Once their dedication and loyalty have been suitably demonstrated, they reach a stage known as a “prospect.” In this stage, they are allowed to be a part of certain activities, but they do not yet have the full rights that come with membership. This phase could potentially last between six months to two years.
Getting Voted In
Moving up to a Hells Angel isn’t a piece of cake. After going through a bunch of other tests and duties, the “prospect” who is set on becoming a part of this renowned motorcycle gang must take on the ultimate task. They need to earn a unanimous vote of approval from the rest of the club members.

The person who wants to join has a chance to visit other members in the nearest Hells Angels location. Here, these members can ask the potential recruit any questions they have to finally determine if this is someone they would like to see welcome to Hells Angels.
Sacred Vests
To set yourself apart and help people recognize your group, it’s helpful to wear something that links you all. This is why the Hells Angels’ vests hold such importance. They serve as the group’s official symbol, deeply revered because they signify belonging to this individualistic motorcycle crew.

The vests they wear, which can be made of either leather or denim, are deeply treasured by the group. They symbolize the strong bonds of friendship and loyalty among the club members. These vests are not individual belongings, they are property of the club. If a member has to leave the group or gets sent to jail, they must return the vest back to the club.
Follow the Dress Code
Beyond the holy garments that each group member dons daily, some branches have particular dressing rules for their members to abide by. These rules might specify wearing only black clothing, exclusively donning jeans, or even require apparel with a camouflage pattern.

Implementing a dress code makes members of a charter appear unified and dignified. Everyone is required to wear the vest, presenting a coordinated image. However, the clothing worn beneath the vest can be individualized, allowing for different charters to be recognized. The adoption of the dress code also calls for a certain respect for the Angels’ reputation from the wider public. It’s not just about looking the part, it’s about cultivating a shared sense of identity and respect.
Riding in Order
Identifying a Hells Angels charter is pretty straightforward, particularly when they thunder down a road. The groups, often larger than 20, and their motorcycles speed across the asphalt, their roaring engines shattering the peace, and their wheels flinging clouds of dust into the sky.

The sequence of bikers isn’t just chosen at random; there’s a particular order they follow out on the road. The one leading the whole group is the president of their ensemble, based on seniority. From this point, it trickles down the ranks according to the club hierarchy, with the novices, known as prospects, respectfully occupying the position at the very back of the line.
The Group Pulls Over
The Hells Angels’ greatest principles include unity and faithfulness. These principles can be seen in all that they do, but particularly when they hit the road on their bikes. If any member gets into trouble, the whole gang sticks together and jumps in to assist and ensure his safety.

When a member of the group experiences a problem with their bike or is detained by law enforcement, everyone in the group will stop riding and patiently wait with them until they’re ready to proceed. That indeed symbolizes true companionship!
Getting a Reaction
There’s no question about it, those bikers can be pretty scary. They are super manly and their giant motorcycles can’t be ignored. But, in the ’60s, simply causing a scene wasn’t enough for them. If they noticed ordinary people or reporters gawking, they would go the extra mile to shock them by grabbing a fellow biker and kissing them right on the lips.

This was an unmistakable attempt to set themselves apart from the rest of society. As noted by Vice, “Hell’s Angels viewed their freedom to kiss as an assertion of masculinity and the ultimate proof of their confidence in their heteros–uality.”. This represents a perfect illustration of their desire to shock and diverge from the norms of the common society.
Can’t Work for the Law
Because of some court cases and law-breaking acts that its members have been a part of, the Hells Angels motorcycle group is often seen as a club associated with the underworld and crime by people who are not their members. Although the group, Hells Angels, themselves don’t consider that this stereotype applies to them, the police and other law enforcement agencies have been keeping a close watch, almost over-watchful, on the activities and actions of Hells Angels.

Consequently, individuals are barred from participating in the organization if they have been employed in law enforcement, correctional facilities, or even as security officers in their past. These previous professional commitments can interfere with the club guidelines governing confidentiality and allegiance.
Keeping Things Confidential
The Hells Angels are a motorcycle club that really looks out for each other. Every member has their own personal matters and the details they decide to share with the club are kept a secret within the group. Each person’s experiences belong to them and this important information is always kept safe and confined within the club.

The mystery continues to loom around the clubhouses and every individual member’s details. The official website of the Hells Angels asserts, they “do not answer questions about members”. So, if you hold any curiosity about a particular member, it’s best to let it go. They won’t provide the clarifications you’re hoping to find.
Forever an Angel
Joining the Hells Angels isn’t just about becoming part of a group, it’s about entering into a lifelong fellowship with your fellow members. The Hells Angels’ website emphasizes this point strongly, stating that “There is no such thing as a retired or undercover Hells Angels member and never has been!” You won’t find anyone who’s tried to leave or hide their affiliation because, in the world of Hells Angels, commitment is for life.

The only way someone can be dismissed from this club is if they cross the line and break the rules. After you are formally welcomed into the HAMC through a vote, you become part of a tight-knit community that treats each member like kin and dedicates all of their shared time to being together.
Media Silence
Looking at the main values of the Hells Angels, it becomes clear why this rule matters so much. Their focus on loyalty and secret-keeping means that speaking to media about the activities happening behind HAMC clubhouse closed doors may be seen as the total opposite of what they emphatically believe in.

This is why the ins and outs of the everyday life of the Hells Angels remains a mystery to most. Media chatter certainly influences the way ordinary people perceive the motorcycle club.
They Ride Harleys
The Hells Angels, a known motorcycle club, hold their bikes in the highest regard. Although it isn’t listed as a formal rule on their webpage, TIME magazine points out that their “preferred machines” are naturally the renowned Harley-Davidson motorcycles, which they cherish very much.

Owning a Harley isn’t absolutely necessary, but the HAMC really appreciates this specific type of motorcycle. As per their website, buying such bikes is like “support[ing] the club’s philosophy of being free”. This not only strengthens their belief but also inadvertently boosts the sales of the motorbike brand, making the club’s preference for Harley more than clear.
Miles and Miles
Often, the image and stereotypes that people have about this group can cover up their real focus. This being, of course, their dedication to riding their cherished motorcycles. What sets them apart from other clubs is their authentic love for motorcycling, and how they prefer using motorcycles as their primary method of travel.

From what their site reports, each Hells Angel member clocks in an impressive 20,000 kilometers or even more yearly, journeying alongside their charter. This bunch of fellows is really passionate about their motorcycles, and they highly value the brotherhood they share.
Attendance Is Important
Being part of the HAMC means you’re bound to spend quality time with fellow charter members. Although attendance is made a must, which could seem a little strict, it’s not seen as a burdensome requirement by many. Why, you may ask? The answer is simple. Over time, members transform into family, making these gatherings much more like family reunions than enforced commitments.

Being present plays a big role in becoming a Hells Angels member. If you’re fortunate enough to be invited to spend time or “hang around” with the Hells Angels, it’s a positive signal that you might be considered for membership. Being at all meetings or gatherings consistently is a necessary way to demonstrate your deep interest and dedication to the club.
We Are Family
Given the structure of the club, its members see the other members in their charter as family members. They strongly believe in the ideas of loyalty and trust towards each other, which fosters a bond just like a family. The club’s website even explicitly states that the members “know each other as well as you know your family”. This, according to them, is the true essence of their club.

The men who become part of HAMC find more than just camaraderie – they discover a second family. This concept extends even to their spouses, as these dedicated wives are often seen riding pillion on their husbands’ motorcycles, joining their partners in their Hells Angels journeys. This scenario blurs the distinction between their Hells Angels commitments and their everyday domestic lives.
No Other Biker Clubs
These guys truly value keeping their secrets tucked away, and they make sure their bros are always by their side. They purposely dodge the media, steer clear of the law, and obviously, they keep their distance from other biker gangs. It’s their method for keeping things private and tight-knit.

The Hells Angels aren’t new to facing off with other biker groups. Even though some of their lead riders, like Sonny Barger for instance, might have a certain connection with people from other motorcycle clubs, the common guideline is to stay away from socializing with the opposition.
Only Men Allowed
Sonny Barger had a conversation with “Let Them Talk” where he clarified that the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club is purely a gentleman’s club. He conveyed that HAMC is essentially a joyful community of motorcycle enthusiasts who love roaming the country. They savour these journeys and adventures in the company of friends, and that’s their definition of fun. This explanation, however, means that the club doesn’t entertain any girl members!

Of course, it is not uncommon to see ladies within this group as well. They might not be riding the bikes themselves, but rather sitting at the back of the motorcycles belonging to their boyfriends or spouses. They can be frequently spotted hanging out at local bars. Within the club, these women have a nickname, they’re referred to as the “old ladies”.
Who Can Start a Chapter?
Listen, if you’re asking basic stuff about the Hells Angels, it’s a clear sign that you don’t really get how they function. Forget about setting up your own Hells Angels charter if you don’t have a deep, inherent comprehension of their operations. The way the HAMC operates isn’t something you can learn from just asking simple questions.

These clubs are made up of folks who have spent years biking together, who call the same area their home, who are recognized by the locals, and who organize runs and parties. They truly are a brotherhood, as stated on the website. It’s only these groups that can consider becoming part of this exclusive club.
Follow the Rules
The list of rules that this unique club adheres to isn’t just critical—it’s a requirement for each and every member. They have to stick to the guidelines laid by the club. If they fail to do this, there are repercussions awaiting them.

For some individuals, going against the rules might lead to being expelled from Hells Angels. This could mean losing their sense of belonging in the club and everything they’ve established there. The consequence of breaking a rule, the severity of which can vary, might go as far as losing one’s life for some former members. This is according to a report by SFGATE.
Hells or Hell’s?
You could be scratching your head about why we’ve had such bad grammar throughout the entire piece. Shouldn’t there be an apostrophe in the name of these angels if they indeed hail from Hell? Don’t worry; it’s not your confusion. It’s a puzzler, isn’t it?

For those who are strictly mindful about their use of grammar, you might not be a fan of this response. However, the truth is, straight from the Angels, they state—”Yes, we know that there is an apostrophe missing but it is you who miss it. We don’t.” It is apparent that this is a commonly asked question for them, but they simply aren’t bothered by it. It’s clear that their lack of concern is intentional and they show no urge to rectify it.
Support the Club
Supporting the Hells Angel motorcycle club is not just for its members. Their website offers clear details about the advantages for those who are not members but wish to provide monetary help. If you navigate their website, there are lots of items available for purchase which are created by the Hells Angels themselves. It’s a simple and practical way to back up these bikers.

When you buy goods from the HAMC, it’s your way of saying “you support the club’s philosophy of being free”. This support helps the charters to put on events that we can all enjoy and have a great time at!
Staying Clean
Even though some members are rumored to be involved in the trade of illegal substances, the club has clear and strict policies against the use of such substances.

During meetings, substances of lesser power are not allowed and most especially, stronger substances are banned outright. This is all in an effort to curb the potential problems these substances might cause and, importantly, to safeguard the overall reputation of the club. Moreover, the brothers in the HAMC show a significant level of care for their fellow members who are either on parole or in some form of legal entanglement. They always have their brothers’ backs in these tough times.
Strict Permissions to the Website
Because of their strong dedication and faithfulness to each other, those who want to know more about the HAMC usually face a tough time. Their options and resources to uncover more personal details are quite limited. Even their internet site, a common source of information for many, is heavily guarded.

After managing to obtain a trademark for their name, symbols and even their online digital presence in the ’60s, the Hells Angels have put specific restrictions in place on their website. According to their terms of use, they state clearly that anyone seeking to establish or use any links on their website must have written permission. And this approval is not permanent; it can be “withdrawn at any time at the Hells Angels MCs own discretion.” It’s a unique control measure imposed by the Hells Angels organization to safeguard their identity while online.
Official Merchandise
The Hells Angels motorcycle club garners a lot of attention, leading to numerous imitation of their clothing and badges. One fundamental rule for being part of the Hells Angels is that each rider must work to obtain their gear; it’s not simply given to them.

The website of the Hells Angels can’t be any more clear. They say loud and clear, “no one else but us is allowed to produce, sell, or buy any items with the words HELLS ANGELS and our logo with our DEATH HEAD.” The Hells Angels Motorcycle Club, a group that demands respect, will absolutely not accept imitation or bogus club gear worn by a recognized member.
Importance of Patches
Their sacred vests bear patches of red and white, which carry significant importance, nearly overshadowing the vests themselves. On the back side of their vests, they proudly display their affiliation with Hells Angels, along with their logo and the name of their specific group location. Further personalizing their attire, they sew their individual names on the front of these vests.

The last step of joining a charter is known as being “patched up”. It’s a secret only members of the club understand, which makes their group even more private and special.
Missing Members
In the Hells Angels, there’s no such thing as stepping away, no matter what happens. Whether it’s because of old age, life’s end, or even if someone disappears, those reasons aren’t acceptable for leaving the gang. Safety of the gang members is guaranteed, no matter what comes their way. This is a lifelong commitment with no opportunity to bow out.

The charter is pretty clear—if a member is not present, it’ll know. It’s not a matter for outsiders to poke their noses into. The guys from HAMC clearly state they “do not answer questions about members” on their website. If you’re wondering about a member who seems to be missing, they suggest that “you can post a message on [their] guestbook.” A witty response indeed.
They Don’t Talk About Missing Members
Despite appearing respectful and orderly, the Hells Angels are noted for their strong sense of secrecy and safeguarding towards their club members. This close-knit protection stretches out to anyone connected with the group who happens to become unaccounted for.

As per our understanding, members should not only avoid speaking with the press about fellow members, but should also abstain from discussing them with anyone outside our club. This rule helps to safeguard the personal privacy of our club members and, when necessary, provides them with protection from potential legal implications.
Hanging Around
Upon meeting the initial conditions for joining the Hells Angels, an aspiring member is given the status of a “hang-around”. This label lets them be part of selected events and gatherings where they can meet current members. This way, they can start to form connections and friendships, which are important steps towards becoming a full-fledged member.

At this stage, he’s not allowed to show any club colors via patches. Still, he receives a small patch in black and white displaying the name of the chapter that sponsors him. He is not eligible to join meetings yet and is required to respond to both members and prospects.
Non-Harleys Allowed
The club certainly shows a great liking for the famous brand of bikes, Harley-Davidsons. It’s understandable, though. These motorcycles are known for their dependability, speed, and effortless coolness. They’re simply irresistible for anyone who appreciates a good ride, and the club members are no exception.

Although you may not necessarily have a Harley, there are a few unusual exceptions to the much-loved American brand. As reported by the Grunge, typically, if the men in question do not have a Harley, they usually have a Buell bike. Interestingly, the Buell motorcycle brand is under the ownership of Harley. So, one way or the other, a connection to Harley often exists.
Club Comes First
Becoming a part of this club means you’re not just joining a group that’s like a family, but you’re also making a promise to offer your time and energy to these individuals at all times. You’re committing to being truly involved, not just being a member on paper. It’s a significant step that requires dedication and enthusiasm.

That signifies that being present at meetings is not optional, and during times when meetings are not scheduled, you’re likely spending time with your charter anyway. Space for other interests becomes rather limited, especially if they hinder the development of your relationships with other members. After all, with a new brotherhood, the necessity for hobbies starts to fade, doesn’t it?
Most Members Look the Same
It’s not like there’s an official rule saying that all members have to be white males, but most of them are, for sure. Sonny Barger, who is widely seen as the leader of every HAMC, made it clear in his talks that “that’s how it is whether anyone likes it or not.” This shows that they are not blind to this bias, but rather, they acknowledge it openly.

In a discussion with journalist Paul DeRienzo on the show called “Let Them Talk”, Barger went on to clarify something about Oakland’s biker subculture. He said, “If you’re a motorcycle rider and you’re white, you want to join the Hells Angels. If you’re black, you want to join the Dragons.” It seems that depending on your ethnicity, your choice of motorcycle gang affiliation in the city is somewhat predetermined.
Rules of the Meetings
Meetings within the club are a crucial part of how the club is run. At these meet-ups, they carry out important discussions and decide on welcoming new club members into their group. However, these gatherings have certain rules and protocols that are necessary to follow.

The main thing to keep in mind is that there are absolutely no unlawful activities being talked about. While the society itself is not publicly linked to any criminal deeds, it’s possible that some of its members might be. Their desire to look after each other ensures that such matters are never brought to light or discussed.
Picking Up After Others
Becoming a prospect isn’t a walk in the park—it involves both getting included in the first place and enduring the “hang-around” phase prior to prospect status. These stages are your chance to demonstrate your faithfulness to the club.

This kind of loyalty, the real kind, is best shown when dealt with tasks no one else wants to do. It’s common for prospects to become the target of teasing jokes while they’re busy tidying up the motorcycles belonging to the other club members. They also got the short end of the stick by pulling all-nighters for security duty. Proving yourself as dedicated and worthy only comes after you’ve gone through this challenging journey.
They Donate to Charity
Despite their reputation for lawlessness, the Hells Angels deserve recognition for their passionate dedication to community service. They pull out all the stops for their yearly toy drive, which brings joy to so many children. One notable year, a charter from the group decided to take up temporary residence outside a Walmart on the infamously busing shopping day, Black Friday. They made this bold move with the sole aim of purchasing every bike available in the store. These were no ordinary bikes; they were destined to be donated to a deserving local charity. You’ve got to give it to them – their commitment to charity is something quite extraordinary!

This group of individuals is indeed intricate. Their mantra, clearly displayed on their website, states, “When we do right, nobody remembers. When we do wrong, nobody forgets.”
The Hells Angels hold one value above the rest, and that is respect. They believe in showing respect to each other, their family members, and anybody else who treats them with the same level of regard.

They’ve established a name for themselves based on their look, the sound of their motorcycles, and some of their behaviors. Still, their humble request from others is simply to show them respect. As Sonny Barger expressed in an interview with Let Them Talk, “We treat people the way we want to be treated. When they don’t treat us back that way we react.” Despite whatever reputation they carry, this core principle guides them.
Concert Security
Known as a group of brawny individuals, the Hells Angels were not just recognized for their motorcycle journeys. They actually found an additional role at music concert venues. These spots saw them as the ideal crowd to serve as security guards, their intimidating presence effectively keeping overly enthusiastic fans in check.

They were famous for sticking to their personal rules, using their physical power before their words to manage the crowd. In creating a little bit of good-natured chaos, they were known to employ their bicycles to round up the crowd.
Honoring Fallen Members
Once a person becomes a Hells Angel, it’s a promise they keep for the rest of their lives, even leading up to the time they leave this world. When a Hells Angel member sadly leaves us, the local charter puts together a special motorcycle ride as their unique way of saying goodbye. As you watch, you’ll experience a sight to behold – a stretch of motorcycles lining up for a mile, all in a heartful farewell to their departed brother.

Moreover, the official website of the Hells Angel provides a full section dedicated to every member of the club that has passed away. This ensures that you can always find a way to express your respects to each member who is no longer with us.
Community Involvement
This motorcycle club, even with its air of exclusivity, is actually fond of a good celebration and often broadens their festivities to include the whole community. They are known to host open-to-all parties, celebratory holiday events, friendly BBQs, and are even seen at various conventions!

Despite how they’re usually seen, these motorbike enthusiasts are actually quite sociable and extremely friendly. More than the tough look their vests might suggest, they enjoy bringing all the folks in the community together. What’s truly inspiring is that they even take out the time to organize fundraisers and do volunteer work. Clearly, there’s a lot more to these guys than their intimidating biking gear!
Protect the Brand
Hells Angels, being cautious of their brand’s authenticity, are very protective. Amidst the many copycats and poseurs, they deemed it necessary to keep their brand identity secure. This was the primary motivation for them to become a corporation and legally register their logos and name, a crucial step to avoid misuse and maintain uniqueness.

Their decision was really intelligent—they would now be able to always have their logo nearby, and rely on the power of the law to protect it if others tried copying it. This made things twice as intimidating, because if you tried to misuse their brand, you’d have to deal with the combined wrath of the legal system and the Angels themselves.
Own Set of Rules
We’ve been jotting down all these essential guidelines that Hells Angels members need to abide by to keep their place in the club. The importance of these rules lies in the unity they foster. To ensure harmony and the continued existence of the group, it’s vital that each member echoes the same sentiments and understands the rules in the same light.

The group doesn’t exactly admire the law and staying out of trouble doesn’t seem to be at the top of their priority list—which is evident from their numerous legal issues. But it’s not that they are incapable of obeying. It’s more that they prefer to live by their own set of rules rather than adhering to others.
The Start of It All
The Hells Angels, as we know them today, started back in 1948. This was when a number of smaller motorcycle groups based in Fontana, California thought it would be a good idea to join forces and create a bigger organization. They decided to unite as one massive entity, creating the original and powerful force that is now known as the Hells Angels.

Most of the first members were people who had served in World War II. After the war ended, these veterans found themselves with a lot of spare time and an abundance of military surplus, including motorcycles. Riding their bikes became their hobby, and eventually, they decided to form a motorcycle club. Little did they realize, the club would have a significant influence on other motorcycle buffs and impact people all over the world.
Where Is the Name From?
The name Hells Angels became known during World War II. The name did not originate from the motorcycle gang, but rather was taken from the 1930 movie titled Hell’s Angels. This picture was made by the famous producer Howard Hughes. The name then inspired a group of fighter pilots during World War II to take it and use it as their squadron name and also to call their planes Hell’s Angels.

Interestingly, these two instances of the name usage included the apostrophe in the term “Hell’s”, which later would be adapted when used to denote the motorcycle club. Avrid Olsen, a friend of those who served in the WWII squadron, embraced that name and incorporated it into HAMC.
California Dreamin’
It’s easy to see why California would be the ideal place to establish a motorcycle club. Given its laid-back vibe and the favorable climate throughout the year, it makes total sense that Hells Angels chose this spot for their roots.

The birthplace of the first club was Fontana, California. From its humble beginnings, the club spread quickly to other towns in the region, setting up branches in cities like San Francisco, Gardena, and Oakland. Initially, HAMC was only situated within California. However, it wasn’t long before the club started to expand internationally and propagate throughout the country.
The 1960s in the United States were dominated by anti-establishment hippies, protests against war, and countercultural currents. The Angels chose to stand in defiance of authority and societal norms, wrote their own rule book, and were often involved in creating disorder and disruption.

Folks were of the opinion that they were parts of this distinct counterculture wave, basically, making them seem like hippies using bicycles as their chosen way of life.
Going Worldwide
The first charter of its kind to appear outside of the U.S. was established in New Zealand, as far back as 1961. In just eight years, by 1969, Europe too started to witness the creation of such groups, the first of which was birthed in London’s vibrant city. The HAMC decided to broaden their horizons in 1977 when they expanded into Canada. From there, their growth was rapid and widespread, reaching the far corners of the vast country.

The Hells Angels Motorcycle Club is a world-renowned organization, boasting 467 branches in a whopping 59 countries covering five vast continents. This international band of motorcycle enthusiasts is unified under their shared love for bikes and a unique set of codes that guide their brotherhood.
Other Patches
Besides the well-known name of the Hells Angel Motorcycle Corporation, the HAMC has more symbols of importance, including distinct patches. You’ll often see members proudly displaying “81” on their vests. The number 8 corresponds to the location of the letter “H” in the alphabet, and 1 corresponds to “A”. This clever numerical shorthand stands for Hells Angels in their world.

The diamond that’s sewn onto jackets with “1%” on it is a symbol used to show the “one-percenters.” This term came about after the American Motorcycle Association made a comment. They said that 99% of motorcyclists follow the law and behave well. The remaining 1%, however, are the ones who don’t. This diamond symbolizes that 1%.
First Requirements
If someone wishes to even start on the path towards becoming a Hells Angels member, he needs to fulfill certain conditions, other than the basic requirement of being part of a motorcycle club already. One must have a legal driver’s license, own a motorcycle that is over 750cc, and importantly, they also need to have a personality that gets along nicely with the existing members of the chapter.

The Hells Angels group won’t let anyone join who is a person that preys on others or has at any point considered becoming a member of the law enforcement community.
“Filthy Few” and “Dequiallo”
The main patches that full members display contain a few additional ones that are prestigious and must be earned. One such badge that stands out is the “Filthy Few” patch. This emblem features two lightning bolts, and while numerous law authorities interpret its meaning as a willingness of these Angels to commit murder for the group, the members of HAMC have declared that this badge serves as a type of merit badge instead.

The “Dequiallo” badge represents that the person carrying it has battled the police fiercely while they were trying to arrest him.
Hunter S. Thompson’s Role
In 1967, a book about the Hells Angels motorcycle club was published. The man who wrote it was a journalist named Hunter Thompson. Over the course of a year or so, Thompson was able to get pretty familiar with the HAMC. As he did, he gathered their stories and documented the activities of the group to share with the world.

The notes he took served as the backbone for his book, a narrative of his experiences riding across the country with a notorious bike gang. His comment incurred a beating, putting a clear end to the friendly ties he had built with the Angels. However, that didn’t deter him from going ahead and publishing his book.
What Happened at the California Concert?
This formidable group of men were excellent security guards. However, their intensity became a problem when the Rolling Stones asked them to handle their security at a no-charge concert in California in 1969. They behaved more forcefully than necessary, creating issues.

A youngster, feeling threatened, had carried a weapon to the concert as a precautionary measure. He was unnerved by the presence of the Hells Angels at the same event. Unfortunately, his fear provoked one of the Angels into acting in what they perceived as self-defense. The tragic consequence was that the teenager lost his life before the music had even stopped playing.
”Sons of Anarchy”
The crime drama TV series, Sons of Anarchy, from the network FX, throws the spotlight on a close-knit group who belong to a motorcycle club. They handle situations that are personal just like a family would, in addition to dealing with conflicts that arise with law enforcement. This show’s premise might sound quite familiar to some.

Kurt Sutter, the one who started the show, Sons of Anarchy, aimed for it to be as true-to-life as it could be. And to do this, he found inspiration in HAMC. To ensure his show captured the real essence, he got a member of HAMC on board to guide him. Not stopping there, he took a couple of them and gave them parts to play in his show!
Sonny Barger
Sonny Barger was a very important person in the Hells Angels motorcycle club, he was basically their public face. In the late ’50s, he went ahead and established the first Hells Angels charter in Oakland, California. Sonny Barger was instrumental in not just founding the club, but also making it into a corporation. His efforts were paramount to bringing many individual charters together under one umbrella.

He was recognized by all, in the clubhouse and beyond it. He had authored multiple books, sharing his enhanced experiences as a member of the Hells Angels and his deep-seated commitment to motorcycling. Tragically, he drew his last breath in June of 2022.
Maurice “Mom” Boucher
Another infamous member of HAMC, Maurice “Mom” Boucher was recognized more for his deeds of violence and criminal activities than anything else. He’s the ex-leader of the Hells Angels group located in Montreal.

Boucher was known for his life of crime, involving illegal activities like gangster behavior, the tragic killing of multiple individuals, and smuggling of illegal substances. In the year 2002, he was found guilty and convicted for planning the brutal murders of two prison guards. This led him to be imprisoned with a sentence of three lifetimes. During his time in prison, sadly a disease – cancer, was found in his body. His life culminated there in the prison, in the month of July 2022.
They Love Lawsuits
Since 1966, when the Hells Angels became a corporation, their logo and name has been protected by law. This step has helped the club maintain control over their branding, all while having the support of the law to keep it safe from unauthorized use.

Since its establishment, the HAMC has been involved in numerous legal battles against various businesses for the misuse of their trademark. A notable instance would be their 2007 lawsuit against the Walt Disney Motion Pictures Group. Along with that, other legal actions have been initiated against establishments like Alexander McQueen, Toys “R” Us, and Redbubble, due to unauthorized usage of their emblem.
George Christie
For numerous decades, George Christie held his post as the president of the Hell Angels chapter located in Ventura, fully committing his life to being a part of the Angels. However, his role did lead to some legal issues, which landed him in prison in the year 2011, where he stayed for a whole year.

Once he was free, he made up his mind to quit the HAMC. But quitting the Hells Angels isn’t something one can do, as is evident now. The split was far from being peaceful or friendly. Many in the club even got to thinking that he’d turned into a snitch for the government, which led to him soon becoming “out bad”.
Christie Couldn’t Go to the Fair
In the year 2003, for the second consecutive time, Christie was not permitted to enter the Ventura County Fair. It seemed that, as per the regulations of the fair, no one could walk in with gang-related attire or tattoos on show. People had to follow these rules when they were part of the fair.

This situation clearly upset Christie, and he vowed to bring his legal team into play. In a conversation with the Los Angeles Times, he asserted, “This is not something I take lightly or something I just do on weekends. I’m a Hells Angel 24 hours a day. I’ve dedicated my life to it, and I equate that to religion.” He wanted it to be understood that being a Hells Angel is not a part-time gig for him. Rather, it’s a full-time commitment, something that he is involved with every day without a break, something he considers it on par with a religious calling.