The Hidden Side of Comedy Star Matthew Perry Unveiled

Matthew Perry wasn’t just a regular actor; he was like a friend to everybody. He got the part of Chandler Bing on the really popular TV show called Friends. After that, pretty much everybody knew who he was.

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He was known and loved for his funny and sharp wit, but the reality behind his ever-present grin was far gloomier and filled with turbulence. As we grapple with the sorrow of his recent passing, let’s traverse through the memory lane, celebrating his extraordinary journey to stardom and the highs and lows he encountered throughout his life. The actor’s presence was a bright light that came with a shadow, reflecting both his radiant success and the hardships he faced in his personal life.

A Star is Born

Matthew Langford Perry, born on the 19th of August, 1969 in the state of Massachusetts, was the lone offspring of his famous parents, Suzanne Marie Morrison and John Bennett Perry. Both his parents were no strangers to fame — his mother, starting her journey as a beauty queen before becoming the press secretary for Pierre Trudeau, and his father, who worked both as an actor and a model.

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Despite careers that seemed to lead to an exciting world of fame and riches for Perry, his parents parted ways when he was only one year old. Consequently, Perry was mostly raised by his mother and her new spouse. What no one realized at the time was that these circumstances were merely the beginning of Perry’s challenging childhood.

Time Alone

Perry’s mom had a job that kept her out of the house due to its intensive hours and high levels of stress. As he was an only kid, Perry found himself rather lonesome. A very early memory in Perry’s life was when he took a solo flight when he was just five years old! The journey was from his mom’s place in Ottawa, Canada all the way to his dad’s house in the sunny realm of Los Angeles, California.

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Spending too much time by himself sparked feelings of loneliness and self-doubt in Perry. To deal with these feelings, he discovered that making people laugh was effective. In particular, he realized that humor was the perfect tool to lighten his mom’s mood after her exhausting day. But little did Perry know, there was a significant shift about to take place in his family’s life.

New Family

When Perry had reached the age of 10, his mom along with his stepdad, Keith Morrison, were blessed with a baby girl, their first kid together. They named her Caitlin Morrison. Perry was immediately filled with love for his younger half-sister.

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Even as his family expanded, Perry felt increasingly left out. It was as if he didn’t fit into his family, like a mismatched puzzle piece. Over time, this loneliness he felt came to the surface through his behavior. Many children go through stages of rebellion, but for Perry, it was more than just teenage mischief. He started acting out in a way that raised the bar for misbehavior.

Young and Reckless

Not long after his younger sister came into the world, Perry began getting involved in behaviors much too mature and risky for a boy his age. He began secretly taking things that didn’t belong to him, lighting up cigarettes, and neglecting his schoolwork. When he reached the age of 14, he tasted alcohol for the first time—a sensation that brought him a kind of comfort he’d never known before.

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“In an interview with Diane Sawyer, he revealed his feelings, saying, ‘I thought to myself, this must be the way that normal people feel all the time.’ Even though it looked like he was going through a tough time, there was one particular thing that continued to provide him with motivation.”

Tennis Dreams

Even though Perry was starting to misbehave a bit, his focus on perfecting his tennis game remained incredibly strong. He was really into this sport, putting in as much as 10 hours of practice every single day. His ability was so striking that he earned a spot as a young tennis player with national recognition in Canada, and people were beginning to talk about the strong possibility of him having a professional tennis career in the future.

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Simultaneously, Perry’s other hobbies, which were not exactly legal, began to stir up some trouble in the home. Regularly, he found himself in heated discussions with his mother. When he reached the age of 15, the household agreed that it was necessary to try something different. As a result of this decision, Perry ended up boarding a plane directed towards Los Angeles.

Moving With Dad

Before this point, Perry had been living solely with his mom. “I saw his face more often on TV or in magazines than I did in reality,” was what Perry said about his dad in his life-account book Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing. Even so, his father was Perry’s idol, his hero. And now, for the first time, he got the chance to share a home with him. It was a moment that Perry had been waiting for, wherein he could build a real-life connection with this man that he mostly knew from the media. It was more than just moving houses; it was about getting to live with his hero, his father.

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His decision to shift to LA didn’t just bring him closer to his father, it also opened up a new set of passions for Perry. He once said, “I was pretty great [at tennis] in Canada. Not so much in Los Angeles. It was insane. I realized I wouldn’t be playing tennis for a living, so I went for acting,” Perry reflected on this life-changing period. Before too long, his acting aspirations were transforming into his new reality.

LA’s Acting Scene

Perry, already having dipped his toes in acting at the age of 10, found that moving to Los Angeles provided him with much more chances to pursue his dream. It was 1984 when Perry began his studies at The Buckley School, an esteemed institute known for preparing students for college in Los Angeles. It’s at this school where Perry honed his acting skills and spent his spare moments taking part in improvisation comedy classes, enriching his acting experience.

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Following his father’s influence and armed with the knowledge from his acting classes, Perry wasted no time auditioning for parts once he moved to Los Angeles. His talent didn’t go unnoticed for long. He quickly started to stand out from the crowd and caught the eyes of many.

First Roles

In 1985, Perry secured a one-time part on the show titled Charles in Charge. The following year, in 1986, he made an appearance on another television show known as Silver Spoons. Once he finished high school, Perry was cast for a regular character on the television series Second Chance.

Screenshot from “Charles in Charge”

In 1988, he first showed up on the big screen in a movie named A Night in the Life of Jimmy Reardon. After two years, in 1990, he secured a steady role in a comedic TV show titled Sydney. Slowly yet steadily, Perry’s career began to gain momentum. He once candidly expressed to The New York Times, “There was steam coming out of my ears, I wanted to be famous so badly.” At that time, Perry had no idea that his golden opportunity was waiting just ahead.

Prior Commitment

Back in 1994, Perry found himself in a rough spot. He didn’t have a lot of money and was really in a bind. He urged his agent to find him any work available. So, he ended up signing on to do the pilot episode for a show with an interesting title, it was called “LAX2194”.

Screenshot from “LAX2194”

Around the same moment, a script was just being penned for a program named Friends Like Us. Interestingly, this script had a character that very much reminded people of Matthew Perry. But, there was a catch – he was already committed to another contract which made him unable to attend the audition. Surprisingly, in just a matter of few weeks, his contract which was for the pilot episode of LAX2194 was canceled. This meant that Matthew Perry was free again, totally available to take a shot at auditioning for the other show.

Chandler Bing

In his book, Perry shares about the time he tried out for a part in a show. The show’s name ended up being shortened, simply titled Friends. The role he wanted to play was one of the bunch of six buddies, a character named Chandler Bing. Perry reflects in his memoir about how amazing it was to feel such a deep connection with a character.

Screenshot from “Friends”

“Reading the script for Friends Like Us felt strangely familiar, as though someone had secretly observed me for a year, nabbing my jokes, mimicking my gestures, and Xeroxing my cynical yet comical perspective on life. I didn’t just think I could portray Chandler. I was Chandler,” he confessed in his writings. Others on the crew saw this uncanny resemblance too, and as a result, Perry was brought onboard. He was clueless then that this move was about to turn his entire life around.

Early Days

Not only was Perry the final member to join the cast, but he was also the youngest among them, being only 24 at the time when he got selected. Right from the start, it was apparent that the creators of the show had made a brilliant choice in recruiting their cast members, including him.

Screenshot from “Friends”

Perry had a natural talent for performing in front of the camera. His knack for humor kept audiences engaged and he never ran out of entertaining jokes. His skill at remembering lines and following directions with ease was admirable. However, after a while, the enormity of having weekly performances in front of an audience of 25 million people started to sink in. That’s when he began to feel the real pressures of his position.

Feeling the Heat

The crowd kept on howling with laughter each time Perry performed, completely unware of the private anguish Perry was experiencing inside his mind. “I felt like I was going to die if the live audience didn’t laugh, and it’s not healthy for sure, but I could sometimes say a line and they wouldn’t laugh, and I would sweat and just go into convulsions,” Perry confessed during the 2021 special, Friends: The Reunion. He indicated that despite the consistent amusement from the audience, each of his performances was shadowed with distress and worry, particularly if a joke didn’t land well with the crowd.

Screenshot from “Friends”

“In his book, he penned down his feelings, ‘If I didn’t get the laugh I was supposed to get, I would freak out.’ That was the pressure he was under every single night. His worries and self-doubt took a toll on him, overshadowing the initial joy he felt. This experience didn’t take long to turn sour,”

Fame Overwhelmed Him

Initially, Perry was exhilarated by the triumph of the show, likening the sensation to the joy one experiences at Disneyland, as stated in an interview with The New York Times. Nevertheless, by the time the second season aired, Perry started to become aware of the downside that comes with celebrity stature.

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Perry shared his story in his memoir, about how for about eight months, it seemed like all was good and he had achieved what he always wanted. He felt on top of the world, with no worries or troubles. But then he soon realized, none of this was enough to fill the emptiness in his life. As a result, Perry decided to resort to what he believed was the only trusted method to fill those voids in his life.

Hungover on Set

Matthew Perry had been continuously drinking ever since his first taste of alcohol at the tender age of 14. When self-doubt creeped in, whispering that he wasn’t funny or skillful enough to partake in such a popular television show, he used alcohol as his safety net. Nevertheless, he made it a point to never mix his drinking habit with his professional environment.

Screenshot from “Friends”

“Perry had this peculiar rule that he would never indulge in drinking while on set. Yet, with great difficulty, he would sometimes turn up to work despite suffering from severe hangovers. He mentioned to The New York Times, ‘It’s so horrible to feel that way and have to work and be funny on top of that.’ Over time, insecurities began to not only seep into his professional life but also engulf his personal life, creating chaos.”

High-Profile Relationship

In the year of 1995, the popular actress Julia Roberts made a brief appearance on an episode of the famous television show Friends. This opportunity came to her after Perry himself proposed the idea. The two celebrities had known each other before this interaction and shared friendly and mildly romantic faxes. However, it was their face-to-face meeting on the show’s set that truly sparked off their relationship. The romantic affair between Perry and Roberts lasted for one whole year. Still, it was Perry who decided to end things, as he possessed the fear that Roberts might eventually call off the relationship herself.

Screenshot from “Friends”

“Why wouldn’t she? I was never good enough, I felt I could never reach that point. I thought of myself as damaged, bent, impossible to love. To spare myself the inevitable pain of losing her, I made the hard choice of parting ways with the stunningly attractive and intelligent Julia Roberts,” Perry revealed with aching honesty in his book.

Jet-Ski Accident

Even while Perry was totally immersed in the production of Friends and while enduring his own personal struggles, he astonishingly still found the time and energy to work in movie roles. In 1997, he was featured in the movie Fools Rush In, where he co-starred with Salma Hayek. But it wasn’t the movie itself that instigated another pivotal change in Perry’s life. Rather, it was an event that took place when the cameras were off.

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During a lunch break, Perry had a mishap while messing around on a jet-ski. This led to him being rushed off to the hospital for treatment. At first glance, it seemed like a typical hospital admission. But soon, Perry understood that this unexpected turn of events was more than just a hospital stay. It was a golden chance for him to start filling the empty parts of his life with something shiny and new.

Quick Fix

Perry was in the hospital when his doctor gave him a prescription for Vicodin, a type of medicine used to relieve pain from his injury. As soon as Perry took the pill, it began to work. He felt it in his body like “warm honey in his veins.” This is the way Diane Sawyer described it.

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Perry’s situation had taken a turn for the worst once that first pill and the remaining 40 set to his home arrived. In his head, Perry believed this could be the answer to stopping his liquor habits and doubts, just as he expressed to Sawyer. It wasn’t long before he was hooked, initially only a few a day but at some point, this escalated to a whopping 55 pills daily. The puzzling question was, how did he manage to sustain such a high level of intake?

Getting Clever

Perry, at the peak of his addiction, had genuinely believed that without his daily dose, he would get extremely sick. He went to great lengths to protect his habit, visiting various doctors, pretending to have different sorts of illnesses and even headaches. He went as far as taking MRIs. All of this, just to secure the medication that he felt he desperately needed.

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He informed Sawyer that he had started a routine of visiting Open Houses each Sunday. His purpose was to secretly search through medicine cabinets for any leftover pills, which he would promptly take. Eventually, he entered into a rehab program that lasted a full month where he was able to quit his habit of taking Vicodin. However, even after rehab, he didn’t completely give up on all substances.

Out Of It

For several years, he was able to keep up with his role on Friends and take on parts in some other movies too. This included the 1999 film Three to Tango and the 2000 movie The Whole Nine Yards where Bruce Willis was also a star. But, he admits that he wasn’t totally engaged. He even confessed during an interview on BBC Radio 2, that he doesn’t have a clear memory of what went on in seasons three to six of Friends.

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In 2001, he secured a role in the goofy comedy “Serving Sara”. This experience, however, was not like his previous ones. He managed to complete the initial weeks of shooting without any issue, but a change occurred when there were only 13 days left to wrap the shooting. He underwent a unique spiritual transformation.

Everything Becomes Clear

One day, while on a film set, Matthew Perry had a moment of crystal clear understanding. He described the moment to The New York Times, “Everything’s clear for one split second. I realize, I’ve got to go save myself.” Instantly, he picked up his phone and reached out to those individuals who had always been there to offer their support to him.

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That very day, Perry took a flight to Los Angeles and signed up for a program to help him deal with his addiction. The shooting of Serving Sara had to be put on hold, but everyone close to Perry felt a sense of relief knowing that he was taking steps to admit and address his problems. Perry stayed in the program for two and a half months, but after completing it he returned, feeling prepared to begin his life anew.

Finish What He Started

After coming back, Perry resumed his role on the set of Serving Sara and went back to his regular character on the show Friends. At the same time, he took a closer look at himself and made a conscious effort to understand his own addiction better.

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When Perry was back on the Friends show, Marta Kauffman, one of the creators, couldn’t hide her joy at his return. “I remember going up to him the first episode of the last season and saying, ‘I’m so happy you’re back. I hadn’t realized how much he hadn’t been there,” she confessed to The New York Times. Perry’s future seemed to be brighter from that moment.

Periods of Sobriety

After this particular stint in rehab, Perry was experiencing more stretches of sober living than he had previously. It’s hard to say whether it was just happenstance or perhaps some sort of cosmic reward, but at precisely this time, Friends had hit its highest point of success. By 2002, every member of the iconic cast was making a whopping sum of over a million dollars per episode. Not only was this an undeniable accomplishment for the show but Perry himself also began to see and appreciate the positive impact of his personal transformation.

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“In Season 9, the entire year, I stayed sober. And can you guess the season they nominated me for the best actor? I thought to myself, ‘That should tell me something,” Perry shared, as reported by People.

Acting Versatility

Even though Perry initially decided to pursue an acting career with a focus on comedy, using his knack for making people laugh as his tool to navigate his journey, he found himself playing parts that displayed more variety in his list of movies. Suddenly, he was seen to exhibit a broader range of talents that went beyond just comedy.

Screenshot from “Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip”

After his time on Friends wrapped up, Perry found himself stepping into the world of political drama with a guest spot on The West Wing. From there, he went on to score the leading role in Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. While none of his following performances would reach the same level of fame as his role on Friends, Perry was beginning to demonstrate the depth of his acting abilities.

The Triumph

In the film “The Triumph”, Perry played a strong and memorable character named Ron Clark, a dedicated teacher working at one of the toughest schools in Harlem. Perry’s compelling portrayal of the character earned him a nomination for his fourth Emmy. His performance in this film was exceptional, highlighting his talent and acting skills.

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Although everyone was keen on Perry’s jokes, it was his humility that ended up being what so many of his admirers admired most about him. This was a trait that was innate in him. “I certainly wear my heart on my sleeve, and I think that comes out in the characters that I play,” he shared in an interview with Men’s Health magazine.

Speaking Up

In the years that followed, Perry had roles in various movies and TV shows, including films like Numb and 17 Again. In spite of this, Perry found his time being taken up by a different sort of engagement.

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In 2011, Perry teamed up with other famous figures and addressed the US Congress, acting as a representative for the National Association of Drug Court Professionals. They voiced their support for the funding needed for drug courts. These special types of court programs aim to help those involved decrease and recover from drug abuse with the hope to lessen any further illegal activities. However, Perry’s efforts didn’t stop there.

Perry House

In 2012, Perry felt a strong desire to do something more to help individuals who were dealing with the same addiction issues that he had once experienced. He decided to transform his luxurious Malibu beach home, which he had purchased for 10 million dollars, into a supportive living environment for men facing addiction. He named this place “Perry House”. Here, men could join meditation sessions and partake in helpful workshops that followed the 12-step program. It was Perry’s hope that these resources would aid them on their road to recovery, and help them regain control over their lives.

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Perry sold his vast mansion some years ago and moved its functions to a more cost-effective site. This act alone earned Perry recognition from the White House with a Champion of Recovery Award. For a good while, it seemed that Perry was making positive changes, but eventually, the past caught up with the actor.

Trip to the Hospital

In 2018, something truly dreadful happened to Perry. Because of the many years he had spent using damaging substances, his colon tragically ruptured, which caused him to be taken to the hospital in a great hurry. Perry was in a deep coma for a length of two weeks, and following this, he had to stay in the hospital for a further five months even after he had woken up from the coma.

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In a deeply moving conversation with People, Perry opened up about the life-defining moment when he was connected to an ECMO machine by doctors, who solemnly declared that he just had a slim, 2% shot at living. On that dreadful occasion, he was one of the five critical emergency patients in the hospital, but the only one miraculously healed enough to leave the medical facility. His survival was evident through a colostomy bag and several scars he bore. The other four patients met a tragic fate, leading Perry to an existential question that he revealed to Diane Sawyer. “Why was I spared when these four people passed away? There has to be a reason that I’m here,”. His brush with mortality gave him a renewed perspective on life, including the courage to open his heart again.

Trouble With Love

Perry, throughout his lifetime, has been in a number of relationships. He has dated a few famous names including Tricia Fischer, Lizzy Caplan, and Gwenyth Paltrow among others. However, despite these relationships, Perry has always found it challenging to let others in, into his personal life and his heart specifically. Speaking to the BBC, he once said, “I need love but I don’t trust it. If I drop my game like Chandler and show you who I really am you might notice me – but worse you might notice me and might leave me, and I can’t have that”. This very statement exemplifies Perry’s inner struggle with his fear of abandonment and the complexity of his emotional needs.

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Through his sessions in therapy, Perry started to slowly dismantle the old habits that had been troubling him. He eventually understood the truth that he wasn’t obliged to constantly make people laugh to earn their affection. Once he realized this, a new female presence made her way into his life.

An Engagement

In the year 2018, Matthew Perry and Molly Hurwitz, who works as a literary manager, began their relationship. Their bond was strong and meaningful, leading the pair to decide on getting engaged two years later, in 2020. Despite the end of their engagement, Perry left a significant and deep impact on Hurwitz’s heart which she is always going to remember.

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“Even though my love for him was deeper than words can tell, Matthew Langford Perry was a complex person, causing a level of hurt that I had never felt before,” she penned down on her Instagram caption. But her heartache wasn’t the only type of pain Perry was grappling with at that period.

Near-Death Experience

In the year 2020, while in a romantic relationship with Hurwitz, Perry found himself once more in a rehab center, this time situated in Switzerland. He was not honest with his medical team, pretending to have intense stomach discomfort to get a prescription for hydrocodone.

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Some unexpected stuff happened when he consumed hydrocodone just before his operation. It mixed badly with the anesthesia and his heart unexpectedly paused for a full length of five minutes. What followed was a heart-starting procedure that resulted in breaking eight ribs, adding more hurt to injury. Afterwards, he forked out a hefty sum of $175,000 to charter a private jet, zipping off to Los Angeles hoping he could get more relief through extra painkillers. However, when his attempt fell through, he jetted back to Switzerland. Even after living through this heart-stopping event, it wasn’t to be his last brush with death. He was to go through more medical procedures after this dramatic ordeal.

“Friends: The Reunion”

As fate would have it, an urgent dental surgery was on the cards for Perry in 2021. Coincidentally, it was around the same time that the special episode, Friends: The Reunion, was set to be shot. Even though Perry’s mouth felt like it was ablaze, he made it a point to be present at the reunion, alongside his much-adored fellow cast members.

Screenshot from “Friends: The Reunion”

Sitting together, they reminisced over reruns from their past, bringing up cherished stories, and filling the hearts of their countless admirers with a warm feeling of reminiscence. Perry began to share his experience of how his younger self crumbled under the weight of celebrity status and misuse of substances. His co-stars and fans alike were overjoyed to witness his present healthy condition. Unbeknownst to them all, this would turn out to be Perry’s final performance in front of the camera.

Interview With Diane Sawyer

In 2022, Perry allowed Diane Sawyer to step inside his Los Angeles residence for an exceptionally candid, one-of-a-kind interview. Perry thought that finally, he was prepared enough and had achieved the necessary clarity to discuss the challenging topics.

Screenshot from “Matthew Perry opens up about helping those struggling with addiction: Part 5” via ABC News/YouTube

Perry shared his struggles with Sawyer, diving into the tough times he went through, how his thoughts normally work, and how he was able to continuously use substances for so many years. Yet, he also spoke about the better state of mind and health he is in now. “My health is good. I’m doing really well…[Each day is] not that hard. I have a lot of experience now,” Perry openly acknowledged to Sawyer during an interview on ABC News. His revelation seemed to suggest that with every passing day, things are getting easier for him to handle because he now knows what to expect and has experience on how best to deal with them.

The Big Terrible Thing

Perry chose to capture his life experiences in a personal memoir. He made a choice to call it “Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing: A Memoir”. He revealed in a chat with People magazine, “I didn’t leave anything out. Everything’s in there,” ensuring that he shared every single detail of his life in that memoir.

Cover of “Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing: A Memoir”

“He shared his experience once he knew he was safe from falling back into the shadowy parts of everything once more. Perry understood he had to stay sober for a good while…before putting everything into words,” he continued. Being on Friends gave Perry an opportunity that many others didn’t have, and he desired to use that to assist others in whatever manner possible.

His Life’s Purpose

Even though Perry was battling his own addictions, he found a fresh spark of love in extending a helping hand to others fighting similar demons. Regardless of how much he grappled with his own issues each day, he always decided to pay more positivity forward to others rather than dealing further damage to himself. Regardless of how tough it was to pen down his experiences and feelings, he believed that it might offer a lifeline to someone else who was navigating the choppy waters of adversity – and that’s what was really important to Perry.

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Perry seemed adamant while telling Diane Sawyer, “I’ve got to help as many people as I can. Sure, this isn’t fun… it’s not enjoyable to discuss these matters…. Yet, I realize that speaking out about it is going to benefit others.” The sincerity in his voice echoed the weight of the reality he was willing to share.

Costly Addiction

According to what Perry wrote in his autobiography, his struggle with addiction had a hefty price. Since his initial attempt to be clean in the year 2021, Perry counted and realized that he’d fallen off the wagon between 60 and 70 times.

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Perry had put in a staggering amount of money, around seven to nine million dollars, battling with his health. This battle included getting operated on his stomach 14 times, taking 15 trips to recovery facilities, in addition to twice-weekly therapy sessions for a time span of over three decades. Besides, he also marked his presence in more than 6,000 meetings of AA throughout his existence. But, there came a cruel twist of fate just when Perry looked like he was finally on the upswing.

A Tragedy

On the evening of October 28, 2023, a sad event occurred. The assistant of Matthew Perry discovered him, not responding in the backyard jacuzzi of his residence. The news was first reported by Today. They immediately dialed 911, but anything they could do was in vain. Tragically, Matthew Perry was declared dead right there on the spot.

Screenshot from “New details emerge on death of ‘Friends’ star Matthew Perry” via TODAY/YouTube

A couple of hours later, his mom and his stepdad arrived at the home to visit their son, and not too long after, news of the notable actor’s passing spread around the world. There were no signs of any wrongdoings or substances found in Perry’s body, his sudden demise left everyone in complete astonishment and disbelief.

His Biggest Fans

While fans from all corners grieved the untimely passing away of a beloved actor, those who were closest to him, his dearest friends and family, expressed their heartfelt sorrow as well. “We are heartbroken by the tragic loss of our beloved son and brother,” revealed his heartbroken family, as documented by People magazine.

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Several other high-profile names from Hollywood, such as Selma Blair, Gwenyth Paltrow, and Hank Azaria, expressed their deep sorrow and recollected their beautiful memories about the late actor. Oddly enough, Azaria even credited Perry as the reason for his first attendance at an AA meeting. As the world collectively grieved the untimely passing of this brilliantly clever and warm-hearted individual, one tribute in particular highly resonated and tugged at the heartstrings.

Statement From “Friends” Cast

Matthew Perry was a vital element of the close-knit ‘Friends’ family. The show’s scriptwriters and creators expressed their deep sentiments of heartbreak and absolute sorrow. Following this, the other five members of the ensemble cast decided to deliver a united statement. This was shared by ‘People’, a popular publication.

Screenshot from “Friends: The Reunion”

“The harsh reality of losing Matthew has left us all incredibly heartbroken. We shared more than a working relationship, we were a unit, a family. We feel there is so much that needs to be said, but at this moment, we’re choosing to take some time to mourn and get to grips with this unimaginable tragedy. Though in due course we will share more when we’re ready. Right now, we’re sending all our thoughts and expressions of love to Matty’s family, his friends, and anyone who cared for him around the globe.”

Remembering Matthew Perry

Matthew Perry made us all laugh so much that our bellies ached and tears would run down our cheeks. His battle with addiction was tough, but he remained strong and always tried to brighten the world around him. Whenever we watch an episode from Friends, his incredible humor and spirit will continue to live in our memories.

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Just before he passed away, Matthew shared his thoughts with the Los Angeles Times. He expressed a desire to be remembered “as a guy who lived life, loved well, lived well, and helped people.” Rest assured, Matthew, our memory of you will certainly honor your wish.